Friday, April 8, 2011

Eight Months Out

Whew...that's all I've got to say!

What a wild ride this last year and a half have been.  So many changes and so many challenges.  Life has a funny way of working it's self out and setting you down right where you need to be.  And for a moment, all the world seems right.  This is one of those moments for me.  I'm sitting back today and looking back, taking stock if you will!  I'm taking my own inventory and contemplating what is next in this wonderful journey of mine.  It's raining outside and I'm home sick with a cold...seems like the perfect opportunity to start my blog back up!

I'm about eight months out from my last treatment...which was seven and a half weeks of daily radiation to the site where my tumor was removed.  I came out of all of my treatments exhausted beyond belief, skinny and hairless.  (lovely image I know!)  But, I came out cancer free and that was the best motivation in the world for me, to get on with my life with a renewed sense of self and a whole new mindset.  I survived this journey and have come out the other side a stronger, positive, more mindful woman. I love the transformation and the woman I have become!  I know now that if I am ever diagnosed again, I will move through it with a stronger sense of grace and a more loving attitude to those around me that are traveling with me.

In all reality I don't know how I would have handled the last year and a half if I hadn't had people around me that cared and encouraged me.  Even the people who challenged me, when all I wanted was to be left alone or lash out or feel sorry for myself  brought me back down to earth and reminded me I wasnt' the only one going through this.  I wanted to curl up in a ball and have someone take care of me, and in the end, what I really needed was to get myself off my comfy little pity pot and get a move on!  In every instant there is a lesson to be learned, some harder and more painful than others, but lessons all the same.  It's made me very aware about the way I treat other people and how I allow them to treat me.  I have a voice now, and I'm learning how to use it in a positive more loving way. 

Today is a new day and a whole new life has started for me.  And it's a good life!  It's not always perfect and I don't always please everyone, and that's OK for me today.  I try my very hardest to move through each day with grace, dignity, humor and a more loving attitude.  I want the best for myself and I want the best for those around me.  Today, if I can make life a little easier or brighter for someone else, that's a good start for me! 

Start this new day with me... 
(I promise to come up with something more interesting than breast cancer to blog about!!!)

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