Friday, April 5, 2013

She's My Girl!!!

My little Missy! 

I scooped her up out of a litter of seven the day I moved off the farm in Red Oak Iowa, six long years ago.  I was leaving a bad situation, and she was one of the good reasons I had to help me start over, again.  At the time, I needed the focus of another being to make my move more valuable...because God knows, at that juncture in my life, I felt no value in myself.  She was my saving grace.  In the days that followed, when I had no desire to move forward for myself, she still needed me.
I named her Ella Fitzgerald, because the first time I ran a bath in my little run down duplex in downtown Red Oak, she hopped up on the edge of the tub and "sang" to me.  She loved the water, and the ritual of my bath time.  The fact that she had my undivided attention for a half an hour as I soaked in the tub, seemed to make her day...and was enough for her.  And at the same time it made me feel valuable and needed, for the first time in a long time.  We bonded during those baths, and she learned too, how to "talk" to me.  She found that being close to me was a good thing, and she got her unending hand fulls of fresh hot water.
Ellie Smelly has been the only constant in my life for the last six years.  She's been with me through the loss of a relationships, the loss of jobs and our move to Des Moines.  She sat with me and loved me through my diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer.  She didn't care if I was bitchy and had no hair.  She loved me all the more because eventually my schedule for sleeping all day coincided with her schedule of doing the same.  We've shared the same bed...she's had her half and I've had mine.  She's never judged me my insecurities, she tested my patience on a daily basis, and gave me a reason to get out of bed on days when I saw no point.
She's never held against me my moods, bad decisions, or lack of money. All she has ever wanted from me, was a few hours outside to chase birds and bunnies, a good meal at the end of any day, and a safe place to fall at the end of the night.  She has loved me unconditionally, been a true companion, and someone I could count on...each and everyday.  She's taught me to be a better person and has never held my weaknesses against me. 
True love walks on four furry little white feet!
Just sayin!!!

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